SaaS Creators

We've spent the last five years building a SaaS company to tens of millions in revenue.

Now, we're creating a course to help you start a SaaS business.

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What's in the course?

We'll show you how to navigate the first part of your startup journey from finding ideas to product market fit. The course will be a series of self-guided lessons, so you can learn on your own time.

The Quest for Product Market Fit ($0 - $1m)


Product Inspirations: Figure out what you want to build

MVP: Create and test a minimum viable product

First Customers: Find your first customers and build a product they love

Business Fundamentals: Identify your business model and capital strategy

Go-to-Market: Build an early marketing and sales engine

Customer Experience: Make early customers happy

Depending on how this project goes, we're also talking about putting together another course around the next phase of your startup journey. 👇

Next Course: Build a company and scale revenue ($1 - $10m)

Get Early Access to our
SaaS Course

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Made by Jared Erondu and Alex Kracov. Illustration by Luc Chaissac.